M.otivate U.nderstand S.astisfy I.nspire C.omfort Music Moves In Mysterious Ways
I am driving up eighty-five in thekind of morning that lasts all afternoon..I’m just stuck inside the gloom...four more exits to my apartment butI am tempted to keep the car in drive..and leave it all behind...'cause I wonder sometimes about the outcomeOf a still verdictless life..am I living it right?am I living it right?am I living it right?why, why Georgia, why?...I rent a room and I fill the spaces withwood and places to make it feel like home..but all I feel’s alone!it might be a quarter life crisisor just the stirring in my souleither wayI wonder sometimesabout the outcomeof a still verdictless lifeam I living it right?am I living it right?am I living it right?why, why Georgia, why?..so what, so i’ve got a smile on.it’s hiding the quiet superstitions in my head.don’t believe me,don’t believe mewhen I say i’ve got it down...everybody is just a strangerbut that’s the danger in going my own way!!I guess it’s a price I have to pay..still "everything happens for a reason"is no reason not to ask myself if i amliving it rightam i living it right?am i living it right?why, tell me why, why, why Georgia, why?......We all will see times like this, if we haven't already.You can't quite put a finger on what you're doing wrong. The days pass and your searches for answers keep coming up empty. You feel a little depressed. You care about things less, ("I’m just stuck inside the gloom...") and you feel like you'll never escape your problems. It's like you wake up one dreary morning and you can't find enough reasons to pull yourself out of bed... ("the kind of morning that lasts all afternoon"[for a period of your life?]..) You want to be happy, or at least happier than you are now, but you just don't know what to do.So maybe you make a decision, because you have to do something. You can't keep doing what you've been doing because it hasn't been working. You want a fresh start, so you take off down the coast, make some new friends, see some new places, try some new things ("I am tempted to keep the car in drive..and leave it all behind"). You try and start a new life, and you're kind of excited about it, but also nervous, unsure, about your future. You grab at everything you see that might help you be happier ("I rent a room and I fill the spaces withwood and places to make it feel like home..but all I feel’s alone!"). You probably don't feel a whole lot better. Do you feel worse, even? Maybe.I think the changes have to happen inside of you before you change your surroundings. Sometimes it can works the other way around, but that's hard. You usually just end up having wasted time and effort, and you could be even worse off than before.Now what? You've been running in circles, throwing yourself around. You've been trying to find a way out of your "quarter life crisis" and into better days: a brighter future, a happy future."I wonder sometimesabout the outcomeof a still verdictless life"What is your life about? "Verdict" means decision, so what decisions lead your life? What do you life for? What drives you? What will keep you and others happy? Better yet, how will you continue to grow happier? Have you figured this out yet? Go and see the world, but you'll never be truely happy until you know what you are living for."Am i living it right?Am i living it right?Am i living it right?"Are you living to make yourself happy? What about other people, and God? You have to figure this out. You have to find out what you truely need in your life. Maybe you had it at one point, but let it go, or pushed it away. Maybe you didn't realize how valuable it was, or that you were even pushing it out of your life. Or maybe you haven't discovered it yet. Well it's out there. Go find it.I was running some errands the other day and i was zoned out. This song was on the radio, and these lines brought me out of my daze:"Don’t believe me,Don’t believe mewhen I say I’ve got it down."It has happened to me before; it has happened to all of us. I've been in a total slump. Except, this time it didn't seem like i would ever recover. I pretended everything was alright. I almost had myself thinking it was. I smiled and laughed and had some fun ("so what, so I’ve got a smile on. It’s hiding the quiet superstitions in my head."). I fought myself on what to do. 'What am i doing right? What am i doing wrong? Maybe i should stop doing this, or start doing that, but why? Or why not?' I didn't focus on what i really needed to be happy."still 'everything happens for a reason'is no reason not to ask myself if i amliving it right?"Everything does happen for a reason. So what are you going to do about all of the thoughts running around inside your head? What will you make of it? Will you brush them off and keep on going? Will you ignore half of them and make more mistakes? Or will you do what is best? But how can you know what is best for you? How can you know if you are "living it right"?Well, figure out what makes you happy.No, figure out what keeps you happy.No figure out how to continue to become happier.
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